8 articles found
Chess and Warby Jesper Hall Miscellaneous
Magazine 2002#5
SOS - The Classical CobraSI 34.4 - Sicilian Defenceby Jesper Hall Openings Theory
Magazine 2002#4
The new CHESS is based on loveMusicalby Jesper Hall Miscellaneous
Magazine 2002#3
Hillarp Persson, TigerOn a Fool's Errandby Jesper Hall Interviews
Magazine 2000#5
Rilton, ToreA huge taciturn bear that hid from publicityby Jesper Hall Biographical
Magazine 2000#1
Stockholm 1999/2000Rilton cup - 1. S.Ivanovby Jesper Hall Tournaments
Martens, RolfSeek, and thou shalt find!by Jesper Hall Interviews
Magazine 1999#8
Malmö 1999Letter about Hall-Timmanby Jesper Hall Letters
Magazine 1999#7