14 subjects found
Bugojno 1986Letter about Karpov-Ljubojevicby Magazine Reader Tournaments , Letters
Magazine 2018#2
Chiburdanidze, MayaMy title forces me to play women's events tooby Bert Van de Kamp Interviews
Dvoretsky on TimmanLetter about Dvoretsky's articleby Piet Peelen Letters
Leningrad 1986Kasparov-Karpov World championship matchby David Goodman Matches
London 1986Letter about Kasparov-Karpovby Magazine Reader Matches , Letters
Mednis, EdmarI do everything in chess that is honourableby Bert Van de Kamp Interviews
Riga 1986Sokolov-Yusupov candidates matchby The NIC Editorial team Matches
Ruy Lopez Zaitsev VariationRL 26.13by Laszlo Hazai , , Openings Theory
Solingen 1986Chess Swords in Solingenby Lubosh Kavalek Tournaments
Southampton 1986British Championshipby John Watson Tournaments
Szirak 1986A Hungarian Rhapsodyby Lubomir Ftacnik Tournaments
The Underground ArtistLetter about Lawrence Dayby Magazine Reader Letters
Theoretical ConclusionsThe 1986 Spartakiadby Alexey Suetin Openings Theory
Utrecht 1986An Old Tradition Restoredby Jan Timman Tournaments