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Nikolay Ninov

21 surveys found

CA 5.5
The specialist and the holes
CA Open Variation 6...dxc4
by Nikolay Ninov

Yearbook 136 (2020)

NI 27.13
The choice of the winners
NI Vienna Variation 5.Bg5 dxc4
by Nikolay Ninov

Yearbook 128 (2018)

SI 14.7
Ignoring the ‘Kinderangriff’
SI Najdorf Variation 6.Be3
by Nikolay Ninov

Yearbook 118 (2016)

SL 6.1
The Latest Trends in the Triangle
SL Marshall Gambit 4.e4
by Nikolay Ninov

Yearbook 117 (2015)

NI 27.13
The Viennese Waltz (Part II) - The Main Line
NI Vienna Variation 5.Bg5 dxc4
by Nikolay Ninov

Yearbook 110 (2014)

NI 27.13
The Viennese Waltz (Part II) - The New Tabiya
NI Vienna Variation 5.Bg5 dxc4
by Nikolay Ninov

Yearbook 109 (2013)

NI 27.13
The Viennese Waltz Continues - Part I
NI Vienna Variation 5.Bg5 dxc4
by Nikolay Ninov

Yearbook 107 (2013)

SI 19.14
Various Ways to Meet the Perenyi
SI Najdorf Variation 6.Be3
by Nikolay Ninov

Yearbook 93 (2009)

RL 6.10
Take the Pawn with Check!
RL Jaenisch Variation 3...f5
by Nikolay Ninov

Yearbook 92 (2009)

VG 2.9
Is a Tempo worth more than a Pawn?
VG Frankenstein-Dracula 3.Bc4
by Nikolay Ninov

Yearbook 54 (2000)

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