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Alexey Gavrilov

16 surveys found

QI 4.19
Looking for the Best Recipe
QI Petrosian Variation 4.a3
by Alexey Gavrilov

Yearbook 80 (2006)

BI 19.10
The Risky Plan with 6...a5
BI Benko/Volga Gambit 3...b5
by Alexey Gavrilov

Yearbook 78 (2006)

CK 2.2
A Weapon against the Anti-Caro-Kann - 3.f3 g6
CK Fantasy Variation 3.f3
by Alexey Gavrilov

Yearbook 74 (2005)

QP 7.9
The Solid Plan 2...d5 and 3...g6
QP Trompowsky Attack 2.Bg5
by Alexey Gavrilov

Yearbook 69 (2003)

SI 46.1
A Bishop on g7 against the Alapin
SI Alapin Variation 2.c3
by Alexey Gavrilov

Yearbook 69 (2003)

CK 10.1
The Knight Jumping Forward
CK Classical Variation 4...Bf5
by Alexey Gavrilov

Yearbook 68 (2003)

QI 14.4
Test of Positional Mastery - 5.Nbd2 line
QI Nimzowitsch Variation 4...Ba6
by Alexey Gavrilov

Yearbook 67 (2003)

SD 6.6
A solid Way to Meet the Scandinavian
SD Marshall Variation 2...Nf6
by Alexey Gavrilov

Yearbook 67 (2003)

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