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29 subjects found

BI 3.7
Bludgeoning the Blumenfeld Gambit - Part I
BI Blumenfeld Gambit
by Junior Tay , Erik Kislik

Yearbook 112 (2014)

BI 9.15-16
White Retains the Advantage
BI Fianchetto Variation
by Dejan Antic

Yearbook 112 (2014)

FR 1.1
The Complexity of Sidelines – The French 2.b3
FR Early Divergences
by Fernando Braga

Yearbook 112 (2014)

FR 4.2
A Shortcut in the 3.Nc3 French
FR 3.Nc3 Other Lines
by Alejo De Dovitiis

Yearbook 112 (2014)

FR 4.4
Use Your Own Head in the French!
FR Steinitz Variation
by Viktor Moskalenko

Yearbook 112 (2014)

GI 4.1
Grischuk and the Grünfeld
GI Exchange Variation: Other Lines
by Glenn Flear

Yearbook 112 (2014)

KP 7.2
The Philosophy of ‘The Smurfs’
KP Two Knights: Early Divergences
by Ufuk Tuncer

Yearbook 112 (2014)

KP 8.8
A Dangerous Piece Sacrifice
KP Ponziani 3.c3
by Jeroen Bosch

Yearbook 112 (2014)

NI 18.8
A Challenging Hungarian Line
NI Sämisch Variation 4.a3
by Luis Rodi

Yearbook 112 (2014)

NI 27.14
Developments in the Vienna - Part II
NI Vienna Variation 5.Bg5 dxc4
by Tibor Karolyi

Yearbook 112 (2014)

NI 27.2
Breakfast at the 2800 Club
NI Ragozin Variation 4.Nf3 d5
by David Smerdon

Yearbook 112 (2014)

NI 28.2
A Quiet Positional System
NI The 4.Nf3 Line
by Laszlo Hazai , Peter Lukacs

Yearbook 112 (2014)

NI 28.4
The Line is Alive for Black!
NI The 4.Nf3 Line
by Sagar Shah

Yearbook 112 (2014)

PU 11.8
Can Black Survive the 7.Qd4 Pirc?
PU Austrian Attack 4.f4
by Mihajlo Stojanovic

Yearbook 112 (2014)

QP 7.8
An Aggressive ‘Queen’s Pawn’ Attack
QP Trompowsky Attack 2.Bg5
by Tibor Fogarasi

Yearbook 112 (2014)

RG 2.8
Let’s Check Out 9.cxd5!?
RG Steinitz Variation 3.d4
by Piotr Wolochowicz

Yearbook 112 (2014)

RL 13.5
A Fashionable Variation
RL The 6.d3 Line
by Alexey Kuzmin

Yearbook 112 (2014)

SI 22.2
Sac a Tempo to Regain it
SI Scheveningen Variation
by Andras Adorjan

Yearbook 112 (2014)

SI 23.1
Sac a Tempo to Regain it
SI Scheveningen Variation
by Andras Adorjan

Yearbook 112 (2014)

SL 6.2
Striking New Ideas in a Gambit Line
SL 5.g3 Line
by Fernando Peralta

Yearbook 112 (2014)

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