5 magazine article(s) by Joseph Gallagher
4 surveys found
SI 41.9 The Novelty of the Year SI Paulsen or Kan Variation 2...e6 and 4...a6 by Joseph Gallagher
Yearbook 57 (2000)
SI 14.8 6...e5 - A Severe Examination of 14..Bc7 SI Najdorf Variation 6.Be3 by Joseph Gallagher
Yearbook 53 (2000)
SI 24.11 6.Le2 SI Scheveningen Variation by Joseph Gallagher
Yearbook 51 (1999)
KG 2.1 KG Fischer's Defence 3.Nf3 d6 by Joseph Gallagher
Yearbook 25 (1992)